6 Key Points

for Getting Bigger and Stronger

Research Says

  • Training and nutrition are essential for making gains in muscle mass and strength.

  • Supplementation is another critical part for any aged individual to make gains in mass and strength.

  • Truth of the matter is most supplements are effective and safe for teens, only those that alter hormone levels are not advised.

  • There are six “nutritional extras” that are recommended for active teens – all proven safe by scientific research and studies.

1. The Foundation: Vitamins and Minerals

  • Hard training teens need to keep their micronutrient levels at an optimum.

  • Teens are not likely to eat a perfect diet and micronutrients help with muscle recovery and can enhance overall health.

  • Taking multivitamins and minerals every day is important in ensuring you will not be deficient in any critical vitamins and minerals that could hamper your muscle and strength gains.

  • HOW MUCH: one dose of a multivitamin supplement with a meal since they are absorbed best with food.

  • Extra B-vitamins which are important for proper protein and fat metabolism.

  • Extra antioxidant vitamins C and E, which destroy free radicals that can damage your muscles.

  • As for minerals, stick with individual dosing.

2. The Workout Shake: Whey Protein

  • Most of your protein should come from food, but there are certain times of day when a protein shake / bar is a much better option than whole food choices.

  • Right before and after you work out are windows of opportunity that must be taken advantage of.

  • Prior to workout, whey protein (fast digesting protein) is the best choice since it quickly delivers amino acids to your body for energy while preventing muscle breakdown.

  • Whey is rich in aminos and other small proteins that boost muscle growth, increase blood flow to muscles, and enhance delivery of these critical aminos to muscles.

  • After workouts you need a fast-digesting protein like whey (aminos aid muscle recovery and kick start muscle growth to get you ready for your next workout).

  • HOW MUCH: 10-20 g of whey protein within 30 minutes before you work out and about 20-30 g of protein immediately after you work out. *Whey appears in your bloodstream 15 mins after you consume it.

3. The Bedtime Shake: Casein Protein

  • Why do I need another protein if I have whey? Whey makes up 20% of protein in milk, and casein makes up the 80% rest. Casein, unlike whey, is very slow digesting which makes it a perfect bedtime drink or snack while you are going 5-8 hours without eating.

  • It provides you with a steady supply of aminos throughout the day or night when the body is in a fasting state. This protects muscle mass from being broken down and used for fuel while you sleep or go hours without eating.

  • Casein is also a good between-the-meal shake for teens trying to pack on more mass since teens go hours without eating throughout the normal school day.

  • HOW MUCH: 20-30 grams of casein protein prior to bedtime or throughout the day when you are fasting.

4. The Muscle Maker: BCAAs

  • Branched-chain amino acids are the most important amino acids for the manufacture, maintenance and repair of muscle tissue.

  • They are simply a group of 3 amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine) that are found in high concentrations in many of the foods you normally eat including animal meats, dairy products, chicken, fish and eggs.

  • BCAAs stimulate protein synthesis, the process in muscles cells that build up muscle protein and therefore create muscle growth.

  • BCAAs have a positive effect on strength, size and even fat loss. They even halt muscle fatigue meaning you can train harder and longer in the gym or on the field.

  • HOW MUCH: 3-5 grams of BCAAs with breakfast or an early meal during day, and within 30 minutes before and after workouts.

5. The Secret Weapon: Creatine

  • Creating is one of the most effective supplements you can purchase. Research confirms taking creatine can help you gain as much as 10 lb. of lean muscle and at least 10% more strength.

  • It makes you stronger by keeping your muscles saturated with the fast energy they need to perform rep after rep in the gym or on the field.

  • It also makes muscles bigger by pulling more water into the muscles cells, making them fuller and leading to long-term muscle growth.

  • Creatine has also been found to boost muscle growth through increasing the levels of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in muscle.

  • When you take it drink it with fruit juice to maximize absorption.

  • HOW MUCH: Add 3-5 g of creatine to your pre-workout and post-workout shakes or supplements.

6. Extra Credit: HMB

  • HMB (beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate) is a great supplement for teens.

  • It is a metabolite of leucine, one of the BCAAS.

  • It has been found to prevent muscle breakdown and stimulate muscle growth, boost strength gains, and enhance fat burning.

  • HOW MUCH: 1-3 g of HMB with food in the morning, before and after workouts and before bedtime.